Are Republicans Becoming the “Hypocrisy Party”
Exclusive commentary by Daniel Borchers
Oct 16, 2003
Some conservatives have shed scruples and jettisoned principles to rush to Limbaugh’s defense. The wagons circling around one of our own only serve as targets for legitimate charges of hypocrisy and double-standards. Conservative credibility – already damaged by conservative support for liberal Arnold Schwarzenegger – can only further erode in the unscrupulous defense of admittedly illegal behavior by their premiere talk radio guru (“a great spokesman for conservatives” – Cal Thomas).<snip>
Author and columnist Steve Chapman is one of the few conservative voices critical of Arnold’s Republican candidacy, one of the few to hold conservatives accountable for unprincipled positions:
“At best, the evidence indicates that Schwarzenegger has a habit of sexual battery. This goes beyond the behavior that unleashed a scandal on Bill Clinton. So consider their double standard. When Clinton did with Monica, conservatives thought it was morally repugnant. They also thought it disqualified him from remaining in office. Yet they’re happy to have as governor of California someone who, by his own admission, has forced himself on unwilling women. Their new darling is a more aggressive sexual predator than the president they tried to remove from office. Morality? Law? They’ll leave it to liberals to fret about such irrelevancies. But if the charges persist and multiply, I predict conservatives will find a way to address Arnold’s behavior: They’ll blame it on Clinton.” – Steve Chapman, “Double Standards,” 10/9/03 Now this latest Limbaugh scandal – not connected with a faux Republican like Arnold but involving a genuine conservative and cultural icon – has conservatives scrambling for excuses, spinning the truth.
Before continuing, let’s talk turkey – cold turkey. Rush Limbaugh is addicted to narcotics and allegedly illegally obtained those narcotics for many years. Conservative radio talk show host Ken Hamblin and liberal television host Geraldo Rivera find agreement on this issue: Limbaugh is a “junkie.” <snip>
Conservatism Abandoned by “Conservatives”
What a spectacle!
Rule of law, law-and-order, tough-on-drugs conservatives now plead for leniency – no, for pardon – for one of their own. They want to absolve Rush Limbaugh of any responsibility for behavior he himself assumes full responsibility for. The criteria is now identity, not behavior.
In defending Limbaugh – for purely partisan purposes (they even admit their partisanship) – they besmirch and belie the nobility, dignity and courage which their putative hero, Rush Limbaugh, exhibits.
These “conservatives” are no friends of Conservatism.
Daniel Borchers, a freelance writer, is Founder and President of Citizens for Principled Conservatism (CPC). Mr. Borchers works in the District of Columbia, lives in Maryland and can be reached by clicking here.