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Wake Up and Piss, America!, Axis of Logic Editorial

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protect freedom impeach bush now Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 01:30 PM
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Wake Up and Piss, America!, Axis of Logic Editorial

Wake Up and Piss, America!, Axis of Logic Editorial, October 24, 2003
By Mary Pitt, Axis contributing writer
Oct 24, 2003, 10:27

Being an early riser, I awake each day to "Washington Journal" on C-Span. Today, while waiting for it to begin, they were showing a "focus group, which was discussing the candidates for the 2004 presidential election.

I sat with my eyes bulging and my mouth hanging open as these "typical American voters" disclosed the fact that many had never heard of many of the Democratic candidates nor could they recognize pictures of most of them! Also, few could identify the principal issues to be decided in the next election.

Is the American public truly that ignorant? Don't they understand that the world is in crisis, much less than that it has been caused largely by the actions of our own government?

A few realized that our President had lied to us about the reasons to invade Iraq and some even admitted that this was probably wrong! Most were conscious of the fact that there is a monetary crisis because of the impact on their own pocketbooks and those of their friends.

A few were familiar with the USA Patriot Act and the fact that their personal freedoms may be threatened by the provisions therein. The most admired member of the administration appeared to be Colin Powell and the most disliked , almost unanimously, was John Ashcroft, which would indicate that they are not totally unconscious.

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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 02:39 PM
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1. I agree with her
Edited on Fri Oct-24-03 02:43 PM by donhakman
The one thing Republicans learn early is that elitism of the priviledged few is based on "honest lies" to keep the unwashed public at bay, or even better in complete servitude.

Their prayer breakfast or political rallies are built upon a model of church going. For the masses, faith is to fill in the blanks that either don't make sense or are too incendiary for the public to know.

Democrats and Independants are too naieve in believing that common people are all endowed with inate common sense.

When 90% of AM radio and 2/3 of the video medium (and now arguably the new voting machines) is under the control of extremely rich Republican industrialists, one would think Democrats would match the game plan.

They have not. Aside from PBS, a fading Pacifica radio and websites, the right wing media message need only say they are left wing controlled and continue the repetitive hypnotic hate propoganda against progressive ideology with a wink and a nod between themselves.

When the dead came home from Viet Nam the press got to pass on the images of the coffins. NO more. Now there is a lock down on negative images, thoughts and even jailing people that may have the possibility of crime with no lawyer or visitation by family.

When Barbara Bush says Democrats are weak it is in the area of propoganda and winning the hearts and minds of America. Fair play and goods guys is said to be a formula for losers.

The "honest lies" of Republicans even when exposed hardly raise an eyebrow. If you are going to wake up America you need to fight fire with fire.
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LittleApple81 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 02:47 PM
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2. That was my reaction last night when I watched it.
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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 03:29 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. good
Now what are the simple and easy to understand tactics the Republican media machine prize above all others.

1 That God and his American son Billy Graham will save the true patriots and punish the unbelieving triators.

2 Always accuse the other side of the precise questionable or despicable things that you yourself are guilty of. In their denial they will seem guilty from the outset.

3 Make it as personal as it gets - and do not relent no matter how ridiculous it may seem at the time. The really big crimes will usually go unpunished (like a bank losing 5 billion dollars). The theft of life savings, benefits, 401K plans, retirement savings even ones life in an oil war have virtually come to be expected and resonate with a boring thud. So you must bite down on a personal issue that most people will feel comfortable in hating as a group and repeat it beyond what seems fair reasonable or prudent.

by the way the accusations can be "honest lies" and still be effective.
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 10:07 PM
Response to Reply #3
10. DON
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demrebel Donating Member (69 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 04:09 PM
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4. If we would not tolerate lying they may listent to us
I am trying to get our party to set a standard of no lying. If you lie your out of there.

Gore would be president if we held that standard with clinton.

I live both in Hawaii and Ca. Lying and cheating by dems have got two repub gov. The most powerful union dem in Hawaii is headed to prison. Dem leaders rip off the kids in the bishop estate.

We need to be the party that stand against lying.

Thye would run to us. People want honest leaders.
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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 04:46 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. "honest lies" not lieing
Honest lies against your opponent is the issue regarding electability.
And not just once but every campaign stop. Hire the witnesses like republicans do. Get your own Katherine Harris and send her to Congress for lies well told.

If you can call in a favor from an old CIA friend that knows how to put a magnesium wire cutter triggered by a falling altimeter on the rudder's control wire of a dangerous opponent and his family - go for it. (In Ashcroft's case, he still lost to the airplane crash victim but Wellstone and numerous other voices that have been silenced with extreme predjudice would applaud justice of an eye for an eye) This dirty side of politics always needs to be an inside job as in the JFK assasination. (so don't try this at home kids ;) )

Not even plain old Jew killing SS Nazis in your family is enough to besmerch a Republican candidate anymore. No it has to be something you are embarrassed to tell your kids about - and BOOM you've got em.
That is if you have a media outlet that repeats it every 5 minutes for months.

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Isome Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 04:32 PM
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5. I saw it, I saw it!
I was so angry I couldn't see straight.

The one woman who bothered me the most was the redheaded real estate agent, Sue, who felt the economy was great because this year was her best year yet, due to low interest. It never occured to her to question why the interest rates were low (to stave off inflation) or whether they would remain low. I suppose she never got the news that the housing boom was over, which would mean this may have been her best year, but the ensuing years will reflect the shitty economy.

The young "investment advisor" Marc, made me want to choke the life out of him when he said the issues most important to him were the economy & the environment ("for my children, and my children's children), but then said he was leaning heavily towards voting for *. Does he even know what *'s record on the environment is? Well, obviously not, but dammit, why would he even pretend to care about an issue that he's not following?!

I can't understand stupidity.
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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 05:08 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. true
Edited on Fri Oct-24-03 05:17 PM by donhakman
Around here the few homes that can be found are often forclosures.
Your real estate friend is like a lawyer I know who brags about HIS best year ever.

He is a bankruptcy lawyer.

Stories that could wake up America

IF a reporter could get to our wounded veterans that are holed up in terrible conditions which are purposefully hidden from the media, the Republicans would take a severe hit. The Rep. legislation that has ripped off veterans after the fact of war is a good but not central issue to gut another Republican "landslide".

No we need debaucherie as ammunition. We need someone willing to tell a story from the "inside" that would make PNAC members blush as much as they would be outraged for its telling.

What will the Rep. response be? It would be a predictable series of outrage for such an uncivilized claim to denial to counter charges of the same ilk ETC. But in such a predictable manner Dems could be hiding behind each corner and out flank each stage.

Fighting dirty will require losing some of your own like the Reps did in the impeachment hypocricy BUT you can still come out smelling like a rose.

Fighting with more God on your side thanthe other guy won't hurt. It would be nice if you could get Billy Graham's sister to endorse you while exposing her brother and current President in a juicy scandal.

So set good examples in your private life but in politics play to win.
The Reps had trillions at stake to make or lose and pulled out all the stops.

The Dems have freedom and liberty at stake and should consider winning by any means necessary including the " honest lie".

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eauclaireliberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 05:26 PM
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8. RE: Wake Up and Piss, America!, Axis of Logic Editorial
If stupidity loves company, the GOP has made the U.S. into one huge Shriner's-sized convention.
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donhakman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-24-03 06:36 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. $30 million would do it.
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