Al Gore and others think they can scoop some viewers who aren't likely to be tuned to Fox News, SIMON HOUPT writes
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
NEW YORK — Last month, as U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney came under attack from Democrats over his former company Halliburton Co. landing no-bid government contracts to rebuild Iraq, Rupert Murdoch came to his rescue. Well, not Murdoch exactly. Just a few of his loyal employees at the Fox News Channel.
During a report on the controversy, the business correspondent Terry Keenan soothed her viewers by explaining, "Halliburton is getting a bunch of these contracts, probably about $2-billion worth so far in Iraq. But, you know, it is in the oil-services business and that's a big part of what we're doing in rebuilding Iraq, is trying to fix the oil fields and the oil pipelines." The program's anchor John Gibson nodded. "The thing that I don't understand about all the screaming about the Halliburton contract," he replied, picking up her thread, "is my understanding is there really aren't American competitors on Halliburton's level."
"To believe that only right-wingers are political junkies is ridiculous," Drobny said this week during an interview. "We're going to have a lot of fun. We're going to give information, we're going to tell the truth. We're not going to make up stories, because I believe clearly that Fox