I'd like to share this article here, dealing with the debate recently over "down-low" sex and about the issues facing gay men and intimacy.
Us: On Black Gay Men, Masculinity and Our Fathers
"At the time of this writing, the “down low” debate is raging. The subject comes up on talk-shows, in popular books and magazines, at work, and in a conversation I have with two black women who live in my apartment building. One tries to be more understanding but expresses her frustration: “Why won’t they tell us the truth?” The other is just flat-out mad, and not at all uncomfortable with venting her anger and rage at bisexual and gay men who are “undercover liars” - whether her opinion strikes me as homophobic or not. Halfway through the conversation, I fear that I might sound as if I’m defending the “down-low” men, although I am clear that there is no defense for a man who lies and puts a woman’s, or for that matter, another man’s health at risk. But where there may be no defense, there is still a context from which the “down low” behavior emerges, and to understand what these men are doing means investigating all aspects of sexual identity and homophobia, an exploration that is absent in these discussions.