You have basically come out and said you're a liberal. How do you respond when critics say, "Aha, I knew reporters were liberal, and this is why the media is biased"? I do not consider a liberal necessarily to be a leftist. A liberal to me is one who—and it suits some of the dictionary definitions—is unbeholden to any specific belief or party or group or person, but makes up his or her mind on the basis of the facts and the presentation of those facts at the time. That defines what I am. I have never voted a party line. I vote on the individual and the issues.
How do you rate George W. Bush as president? He's been the most adventuresome and in many senses the most revolutionary President since at least Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He has shaken up our foreign policy to an almost unrecognizable state.
For good or ill? Not for good. I think the whole policy of pre-emptive war is a serious, serious mistake. It sets an example for every little nation in the world, when offended by the next-door little nation, to go to war with them. All they've got to do is point to the United States and say, "Well, the great power of the U.S. says that's what we ought to do."