This is amazing. It is published on Alan Keyes' Renew America.
I am speechless.
Hitler was a liberal
Christian Hartsock
March 1, 2006

It is an indispensable fact that in the absence of love for God resides a lust for power; a yearning to become God. In Sinisterism: Secular Religion of the Lie, a brilliant new book by my good friend and colleague, Bruce Walker, Walker uses "Sinisterism," a term he invented, to denote this godless, narcissistic, relativistic lust for power whose legacy lived particularly in the twentieth century and prevails to this day. As he writes: "I call all the people who lust for power, 'Sinisterists' and their political system 'Sinisterism.' The word sinister comes from the Latin root word for left, which has come to mean creepy and nasty — 'sinister,' in modern usage — so 'Sinisterist' and 'Sinisterism' fit what I mean, well. Sinisterists believe in nothing, really, but power. They use power to hurt to bewilder, to dismay, to complicate, to rob, to cheat, and to use."
In my humble opinion, Sinisterism has been the central governing element of Nazis, Soviets, fascist dictators, militant secularists, radical liberals and the pathetic lowlives at the ACLU. Their collectively shared hatred for God, Christianity, moral values and the value of human life instills in them a spirit of Sinisterism. Contemporary liberals have sought to eliminate acknowledgement of the prevalence of Sinisterism by coming up with labels to equate Nazism with fascism, Christianity and conservatism and liberalism with liberty and liberation. But as Walker writes, "The term 'liberal' has nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with coercion."
Furthermore, Walker effectively deconstructs the semantic stigmas deceptively conjured up by liberals to euphemize their inherent evil. As he writes: "The reality is that Sinisterists sometimes call themselves 'socialists' or 'liberals' or 'progressives,' and that they sometimes call themselves 'Marxists' or 'Trotskyites' or 'revolutionaries,' or that they also sometimes call themselves 'fascists' or 'national socialists' or 'Phallangists' but they are all sibling Sinisterists."
As I mentioned earlier, when liberals are not trying to pass Nazism off as "fascism," they are attempting to pass it off as an extreme form of "conservatism" and an inexorable byproduct of Christianity. In 2003, on his show Scarborough Country, former congressman and current MSNBC personality Joe Scarborough shed light on a college textbook that grouped Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini as "conservatives." Now how exactly could Hitler, a man who was a strong supporter of social welfare programs, gun control, animal rights, government funding for the arts and bans against smoking in public get away with being called a "conservative"?
The reason is simple. Liberals are such shameless liars and persistent revisionists that they will malign anyone they disagree with as Hitleresque, from the spastic Iraq war protestors comparing George W. Bush to Hitler to Sen. Dick Durbin comparing American troops to "Nazis." Perhaps this is on account of the equivalence of their deep-seated rejection of God to Hitler's militant rejection of God which led to one of the ugliest mass murders in human history. But wait a minute, wasn't Hitler a Christian also?
-----------To read the answer to that question and so many more Truths that offer the only Hope for us Sadistic Sinister liberals, click here: then email a very POLITE (remember, this poor boy's expecting to be hit by tons of foaming at the mouth sinister liberal emails.)response to him at: