(Yes, THAT Michael Moriarty
Follow me on this: Hitler, Stalin and Mao have an estimated body count of over 150 million dead. The six million killed as part of the Final Solution were European and Slavic Jews. That’s a conservative estimate, mind you, and a Holocaust in the tens of millions began in 1913 – 93 years ago. That means roughly 1.5 million murdered, executed, destroyed by war and obliterated by starvation every year since 1913. Today, in America alone, about 1.5 million gestating infants are aborted each year.
None of the aforementioned monsters ever tried to wrap morality around their massacres. Their intent was no different from Napoleon’s: “Rule the world!”
Bill and Hillary Clinton began their political careers as pro-choice, a product of the civil rights movement that did not give half the American population, the men, even minority rights over their own progeny! No Americans ever saw the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion more opportunistically as a vehicle to big money and power than did the Clintons. The for-profit Clinton Foundation began its kick-off week worth $450 million.
To display unfettered power and a willingness to override the Constitution, the Clintons called for the head of David Koresh, an obscure religious zealot in Waco, Texas. This town first appears in the lives of the Clintons in the early 1970s when both were fundraising for George McGovern in Texas. A liberal insurance magnate, Bernard Rapoport of Waco, made a hefty contribution to McGovern’s campaign and eventually supported Bill Clinton’s first campaign for governor of Arkansas. Possibly, Rapoport kept the Clintons informed of how things were going in Waco. Whether it was due to Rapoport’s personal loathing for the Koresh compound or Hillary’s certainty that Koresh was practicing “perverse religion,” federal troops were ordered to attack the Koresh compound, in the process provoking a gun battle and an incineration that ended up killing 80 men, women and children. Those defending the compound with firepower were acquitted by a local court and a jury of their peers, but later ordered to serve prison terms by the Supreme Court.