Editorial commentary today (Sunday, March 5, 2006) at:
www.Earthside.comIran, Terror and Bush FascismAs Bush's poll numbers sink, and the LIES become so obvious that even the fascistic zealots have trouble explaining away all the deceit and deceptions, look for increased fearmongering and warmongering from the radical leadership in Washington, D.C.
As we see it, there are only two ways Bush and the radical Republicans and the neocons can conceivably regain their lost political momentum. Both involve again whipping the citizens of this country into a nationalistic frenzy of fear and vengence.
First, by worrying everyone about Iran's non-existent atomic bomb, the 'mood' will be set if an unexpected Iranian "incident" should occur inside or on the border with Iraq. This would give the Bushites the pretext to immediately bomb selected strategic targets in Iran. No need to go to Congress, since this scenario would involve a response to something that happened in Iraq, Bush would claim he has the authority to order retaliatory attacks under the Iraq War Resolution.
Or, the second possiblity is a significant 'terror' attack happening somewhere
outside the United States. If a real terror attack happens
inside our country in the near future, there will probably be an army of pitchforks surrounding the White House in a matter of days. After all the money spent and troops killed and wounded and grief and worry done to Americans in order to "connect the dots" and protect us, Bush and Cheney would be lucky to escape with their socks if there is another 9/11-type attack. But, an act of violence in Europe, for instance, would allow Bush to ramp-up the fear and so-called "war on terror" all over again ... and maybe keep radical Republican majorities in the U.S. Senate and House in 2006.
We all know that these hooligans are capable of anything. A gang of crooks that will lie about non-existent weapons of mass destriction in Iraq to start a war that has now killed 2,300 U.S. troops and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis; who approve of torture and kidnapping; who advocate warrantless spying on Americans; who spend billions and billions of non-existent dollars -- are surely capable of finding a pretext to start another war, and inflame the patriotic passions of Americans for their own political ends.
We must all be very aware ... and now forewarned. It certainly appears that we are entering a dangerous time. If Bush and his worshipful followers suffer anymore political setbacks -- get ready -- there isn't anything they won't try to keep their grip on power.