Lobotomizing America
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Mar 7, 2006, 01:48
After writing An America I remember, a mini-memoir of the US in WWII, I thought it only fair to explore the flipside: the seven-year old, secret program of intelligence agencies to reclassify and remove documents at the National Archives, a kind of lobotomizing of America’s political memory.
According to his Feb. 20 New York Times article, U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review, Scot Shane says, “ . . . intelligence agencies have been removing thousands of historical documents that were available for years, some already published by the State Department and others photocopied years ago by private historians.” He goes on to say . . .
With corporate media as the anesthetic of inquiry, lulling millions of Americans into a no-pain stupor, the pointed, well-sharpened scalpels of intelligence go to work, leaving just enough brain to keep the public shuffling to work and back and through the steps of ritualized life. Additionally, Big Pharma, the booze and dope industries, step in with anti-depressants and feel-good potions to keep the post-dumbing pain down. This isn’t democracy and hardly life, and tellingly long past 1984 and George Orwell who predicted it all.
Resistance is the only prescription to lobotomy in whatever form. And the time to start was yesterday. The time to continue every tomorrow. And so, good people everywhere, now is the time to come to the aid of your country. As I once wrote in an ad campaign for National Library Week for the National Book Committee, “You’ve got a write to read. Don’t blow it.”