The concept that communism is a new world of liberalism is false, a trap used to catch noncommunists. The word "liberal" has a fine, upright meaning and is symbolic of a great historic tradition. That is why the communists appropriate the term for their own use.
Communism is the very opposite of liberalism. Liberalism means increased rights for the citizen; a curb on the powers of the central government; freedom of speech, religion, and the press. Communism means fewer and fewer rights for the private citizen, curtailment of freedom of speech and press and worship of God. The state becomes all-powerful, the absolute reverse of American tradition.
Make no, mistake, communists do not like liberalism; that is, the genuine liberalism of Western civilization. They denounce liberals ("liberal blockheads" Lenin called them) and attempt by every means to destroy them. The communists realize that true liberalism is a bitter enemy, a fighter for the things that communism opposes.
Damn, that guy sure wrote a statement which would blow a Repuke's argument about the "liberals are commies" out of the water.
Who was that liberal guy?
Well, I found this book . . . Masters of Deceit . . . page 90 . . . published first in 1958 . . . my copy from 1968 . . . the author - J. Edgar Hoover . . .