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Detainee's Letter Reveals Despair, Appeals to "fair people" of America

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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-15-06 09:44 AM
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Detainee's Letter Reveals Despair, Appeals to "fair people" of America
....The letter is a rare personal glimpse into the desperation some detainees at the U.S. detention facility in Cuba feel, and an emotional account of one man's turmoil and ultimate decision to die rather than stay in prison another day.
"There was no other alternative to make our voice heard by the world from the depths of the detention centers except this way in order for the world to reexamine its standing and for the fair people of America to look again at the situation and try to have a moment of truth with themselves," Dossari wrote. "When you remember me in my last gasps of life before dying, while my soul is leaving my body to rise to its creator, remember that the world let us and our case down. Remember that our governments let us down."

Dossari wrote that he believes he and other detainees "were captured, tortured and detained with no offense or reason."
Lt. Col. Jeremy Martin, a Guantanamo Bay spokesman.....emphasized that abuse is not tolerated at the facility.

Who knows what to believe? -except that indefinite, arbitrary incarceration at the whim of a despot like bush is a bad idea in general.
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katty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-15-06 01:50 PM
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1. thanks for posting this
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Mr_Jefferson_24 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-15-06 05:26 PM
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2. If we're ever...
Edited on Wed Mar-15-06 05:33 PM by Mr_Jefferson_24 recapture some portion of our national soul, there must be a war crimes trial where people are held to account and some meaningful measure of justice is meted out. These criminal, fascists who've illegitimately seized the reins of power in America will not be upended working within the system, and if anybody thinks they won't do to ordinary US citizens what they've done to these innocent men at Guantanamo, then you just don't understand the situation. The concentration camps Halliburton is busy constructing as I write ARE for us.

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