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Chris Floyd-Bone Thugs: Bush Puts America on Death Row

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Clara T Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-16-06 10:48 PM
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Chris Floyd-Bone Thugs: Bush Puts America on Death Row
Bone Thugs: Bush Puts America on Death Row
Written by Chris Floyd   
Thursday, 16 March 2006

Hardened cynics often accuse President George W. Bush of ruthlessly exploiting the tragedy of 9/11 to advance his pre-set agenda of killing a whole heap of foreigners. This is, of course, a calumnious slander against the Dear Leader's noble ambitions. For as he clearly demonstrated last week, Bush is also exploiting the tragedy of 9/11 to advance his pre-set agenda to kill a whole heap of Americans as well. In yet another of those momentous degradations of public morality that go unremarked by the ever-vigilant watchdogs of the national media, Bush slipped a measure into the revamped "Patriot (sic) Act" he signed last week that will allow him to expedite the death penalty process across the land, the Austin American-Statesman reports.

Prisoners just aren't being killed fast enough for ole George, you see. They hang on for years and years, using all them lawyer tricks and court procedures and what all, that DNA hocus-pocus and habeas corpus junk, or even new testimony showing that they're innocent – as if that mattered. No, you got to strap 'em down and shoot 'em up with that poison juice lickety-split, churn those convict corpses out like so much prime pork sausage – the way ole George did it when he was head honcho down in Texas.

This remarkably vindictive and bloodthirsty measure – which has absolutely nothing to do with the "war on terrorism" or "homeland security," the ostensible subjects of the Patriot Act – strips the judiciary of its supervision over state-devised "fast track" procedures to speed up the execution process. The history of the move actually goes back to that remarkably vindictive and bloodthirsty precursor to the Bush Regime known as the Reagan Administration. During that glorious "morning in America," it became all the rage to "cut the red tape" that kept prisoners alive until the appeals process had run its course and determined there were no egregious errors in their cases before the government killed them. The tape-cutting crusade was led by then-Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who once ruled that even new proof of innocence was no bar to killing a prisoner if state courts had earlier upheld his conviction, the Washington Times reports. Urged on by Rehnquist – who was executed by God last year – several states went the fast-track route, limiting the time that prisoners have to file petitions and narrowing the range of factors that judges can consider in death-row appeals.

Unfortunately, America's courts were not yet fully packed with hard-right cadres, and even the vulturous Rehnquist couldn't keep them all in line. Fast-track options in state after state were struck down by federal judges – because the fast-trackers' overall death penalty systems were such a shambles, riddled with literally fatal incompetence. One glaring example could be found in – where else? – Texas, where Guv Dub was mowing them down on his way to becoming the greatest mass killer in modern American history, with 152 notches on his belt.
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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 02:01 PM
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1. I'm absolutely appalled that this thread got not responses. The bush**
administration has given themselves the power to rush people to their deaths, and no one says anything.

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BeHereNow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 04:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Agree- cue the Twilight Zone music...
The silence is deafening.
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 04:13 PM
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3. it's sad, but I've become desensitized to the madness, a bit, I'm afraid
it's the only way I could continue to move forward. I accept it as a given that this (mal)admin is, in my opinion: craven, reprehensible, dishonest, unethical, bloodthirsty and stark raving mad, among so many others.

Nothing, and I mean NO THING could surprise me from this group of primo, a-number-one, creme de la creme bunch o' fruitcakes.
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