Hitting the Nail on the Head!
http://www.populistamerica.com/bush_republicanism__anti_conservatism_in_actionBush Republicanism is not Conservative in the traditional sense but actually is radically anti-conservative. Bush Republicanism has emerged as the dominant political ideology of the leadership of the modern Republican Party. It has retained the allegiance of traditional conservatives by slowly and systematically using the media to corrupt the meaning of conservatism and obscure the radical nature of their political agenda.
The contempt Bush Republicanism holds for American political traditions can be seen in their tactics and policies. The Tom Delay- Texas Congressional Re-Districting Scandals are great examples of the anti-conservative and corrupt nature of Bush Republicanism in action. The Bill Frist inspired so-called "nuclear option" tactic concerning the filibuster Democrats in the Senate were considering to block extremist judgeship nominations is typical of the Bush Republican contempt for American political traditions.
It is time for traditional conservatives to abandon Bush Republicanism. Bush Republicans should be opposed by traditional conservatives in every Republican Primary in 2006 and 2008. Traditional conservatives should take another look at the Democratic Party which often has more in common with traditional conservatives than does Bush Republicanism. In some cases, traditional conservatives may want to consider supporting Third Party alternatives. Traditional conservatives need to reclaim the conservative label from the corrupt, Corporatists and Radical Right!