For a blood-boiling example of pampering the well-off while feeding gruel to working stiffs, we turn your attention to the tax-cutting proposals of our GOP-controlled state Senate.
Among the levies targeted for elimination by Majority Leader Joe Bruno is the
sales tax on airplanes. Bruno and his flight crew would spare those with wallets fat enough to spend $200,000 on a Cessna from having to pay the standard levy of $16,000 to the state.
At the same time, the Senate GOP has
ruled out ending the sales tax on clothing purchases of $110 or less, a break it long ago promised the masses who travel underground and on roads rather than in the clouds. Bruno's balance sheet: A fortunate few get benefits greater than a year's minimum-wage salary in the name of boosting business for New York aircraft dealers, while mall shoppers get zilch and merchants watch bargain hunters buy clothing in tax-free New Jersey.
Bruno's plane plan must not fly. Neither should many of the other tax-cutting proposals that are up for negotiation as the Legislature and Gov. Pataki hammer out an election-year budget while sitting on billions in surplus funds.