How many times, in how many ways, does this have to be said before the fuckwads in ties and hair plugs get it?
You would think now that Bush and the GOP's poll numbers are in the toilet, the Democrats would act like an opposition party. Since they aren't, it's painfully obvious they care more about courting the GOP's corporate donors than they do getting the votes of regular Americans or looking out for our interests.

Cenk Uygur
My base is the loony left. The Republican base is the mainstream.
The only thing crazy the Democratic base has done is vote for the spineless representatives they have now. Other than that, they thought it was a bad idea to go into Iraq -- they were 100% right. They thought the Bush administration was lying about Iraq's connection to 9/11 -- they were 100% right...<snip>
If we oppose Bush's ridiculously aggressive foreign policy, we will be seen as weak on defense.No,
you will be seen as weak on defense because you are seen as weak on everything. Republicans win elections based on the strength of their convictions (right or wrong). Instead of learning the lesson to run on the strength of their convictions, the Democrats learn the lesson to run on the strength of Republican convictions.
Strong on defense does not equal attacking random Middle Eastern countries that did not attack you. The pre-emptive strike doctrine is madness. It is wildly destabilizing, has made us less safe, created more terrorism and has brought us into the quicksand of Iraq. And Democrats still think they can't speak against it because it wouldn't be tough.
For number 3 and the rest: