If Bush goes down in history as simply a failed president, like Harding, he should count his blessings.
Bush is the most hated man on the planet for a good reason.
Gary Younge hits on it beautifully. He wanted to be a great president, therefore he needed a war, therefore he would create one.
True, Bush did not really create the basic situation. Osama bin Laden did. Nevertheless, Bush and his neoconservative aides didn't think of the September 11 attacks so much as an outrage as an opportunity. It is said that Rumsfeld was dancing a jig at one end of the Pentagon, gleefully scheming ho0w to pin the incident on Iraq, while the other end smoldered with a jetliner embedded in it. Later, he would press for war against Iraq instead of Afghanistan (where the terrorists were) because "Afghanistan doesn't have any good targets." Perhaps the neocons sent Osama a dozen roses on September 12.
Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks and they knew it. Iraq was not a threat and they knew it. They read the intelligence reports, found them inconclusive at best, and put Doug Feith up to doctoring them while Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby went to Langley to strong-arm analysts into saying what they wanted to hear. They claimed that everything they had showed Iraq had a vast biochemical arsenal. It showed no such thing and they knew it.
The intelligence was bad because they wanted it bad. Good intelligence would not have supported a case for war and they knew it.
So they lied.
Lying to start a war of aggression? It sounds like a fit case to put before an international tribunal, doesn't it? And it is and we know it.
Censure Bush? The only things wrong with that is it's too good for him and that it's only him. Impeachment? Only as long as Cheney is included, and perhaps Rice, Rumsfeld and Gonzales, too.
These people should spend the rest of their lives in the UN prison in The Hague.