Hide And Go Seize: Ohio police departments aren’t reporting property seizures. The attorney general doesn’t seem to care.
http://www.freetimes.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=3188 By Greg Schwartz
On March 1, all Ohio law enforcement agencies
were supposed to send an annual report to the state attorney general’s office listing all money and property they’ve seized in drug cases during the previous fiscal year. But since 1997, less than half have complied, according to Attorney General Jim Petro’s staff.
What’s worse, it’s not clear that Petro even cares. His staff claims that the AG’s office has “neither the authority nor the resources” to enforce such reporting, which is required by Ohio law.
Ed Orlett, a spokesperson for the Ohio chapter of Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), believes this lack of enforcement could open a Pandora’s box of potential corruption. “It’s a multi-million dollar business,” says Orlett of search-and-seizure operations. “
seize cash and property which they liquidate, and which goes into a law enforcement slush fund of sorts.”
Before becoming involved with DPA, a national organization that is working to replace the “drug war” with more comprehensive drug policies, Orlett spent 13 years representing a Dayton district in the Ohio House of Representatives. This service included a stint as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on drug laws, so Orlett is intimately familiar with state drug policy...
Resigning officer complains about evidence vault security
3/21/2006, 2:47 a.m. ET
The Associated Press
AKRON, Ohio (AP) — A Summit County evidence officer who resigned last week said her complaints about security issues involving the prosecutor's office evidence vault were ignored.
The resignation of Johanna Nelsen came amid an investigation into $7,000 missing from the vault. Authorities also are looking into the disappearance of cocaine and about $2,500 from an evidence vault in the county courthouse, and about $34,000 from the Akron police property room.
County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh has said the cases are not related.
In the police department matter, a former prosecutor's intern has been accused of taking the money, authorities said. Leon Harris III, 25, faces charges of theft and evidence tampering, police said. Harris' lawyer, Timothy Ivey, said his client denies the accusations...