Nothing in the prime minister's speech on terrorism is to be taken seriously.
As one who has interviewed numerous people of power, I have had my intelligence insulted more than once. The scripted inanities, the false sincerity, the deception have been presented to me in various forms: in an interview or an "important speech".
Blair's speech on terrorism yesterday had all the above ingredients; and nothing in it is to be taken seriously, for his singular, transparent aim now is to salvage something from his murderous disaster in Iraq, for his "place in history".
To attempt to analyse his crude justifications is merely to inhale his mendacious hot air, as familiar now as the grey pall on a March day. His use of noble words like "progressives" and "democracy" is merely profane, for he has betrayed all the peoples he refers to: the Afghans, the Palestinians, the Iraqis. It is a very long time since Britain has had such a regressive, undemocratic and criminal prime minister.
Yes, criminal. It is time, surely, that the media "mainstream" began to report Blair for what he is and what a majority of the British people believe he is: a liar who colluded in a rapacious, unprovoked attack on a defenceless country and caused unaccountable death and suffering among tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children.