then eight years is an eternity, and the political landscape in 2008 will be as different from 2000 as night and day. In 2000, it made no difference what kind of candidate Al was, the corpwhorate owned MSM were determined to trash him and enable Bush, a blank slate at the time to most people and corporate puppet to power.
The 2000 election was not a referendum on competence, it was on integrity. Integrity was the key issue with middle America after impeachment from the Clinton witch hunt, and the Lewinsky Scandal. The corporate owned MSM knew this and decided to trash Al Gore precisely because he empowered you and me. I have posted below my own theory as to why they did this to him, which in effect is also what caused him to lose his home state of Tennessee, in spite of their best efforts at trashing and slandering him, Al still won his home nation.
Remember The Titans!
Bill Moyers had several excellent interviews with the late Joseph Campbell regarding his book "The Power Of Myth". In it Joseph speaks of the commonality of all the world's religions and mythologies, even when they are separated by time and distance. He goes on to state that there are many lessons and much wisdom to be learned from myth. Here in Nashville (The Athens of the South), the home of the only full scale replica of The Parthenon of the Acropolis, mythology is never too far away.
What does this have to do with Al Gore? The lesson of what happened to Al Gore has repeated it self throughout history and myth. A hero or leader comes to the aid of the people and the ones in power trash him for it. When I think of Al Gore, I think of Prometheus. Prometheus, the son of the Titan Iapetus who took pity on the misery of mankind, huddling in the cold and dark, so Prometheus stole fire from heaven for their benefit. Zeus (Jupiter), enraged at this loss of power caused Prometheus to be chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, where a vulture each day devoured his liver, which was made whole again each night, this was supposed to go on for all eternity.
Al Gore, the son of Tennessee Titan Al Gore Sr. took pity on the American People as they were fed scraps of information on the vital issues of the day. Al, while he was in congress thought that the people should have equal access to the same information as the rich and the powerful. Al Gore recognized ahead of the curve (as he usually does) that for democracy to flourish, the people should have control over the flow of information that will ultimately control their lives.
Information is power, so Al decided to become the primary champion of the relatively new technology (now known as the internet) controlled by the defense dept. and some universities and to open it up for everyone. CNN recently held a poll as to the most revolutionary creation of the 20th century and the internet won hands down. So one might expect praise for such vision, service and dedication to the people, however that would be forgetting the lessons of Prometheus.
The corpwhorate owned MSM were enraged at this loss of power, how dare he! They wanted to remain the sole gatekeepers to the truth so that they could regale us with great stories of runaway brides, missing pretty white women, and various other lurid tales, etc. they could continue do this for all perpetuity. The corpwhorate owned MSM wanted to create a fictitious bubble or Matrix for the American People to live in and Al Gore had endangered their project.
Why would "American Journalism" want to do this to the American People? Because if you are ignorant, you are more easily controlled, and this is all about power. So Al had to be punished for empowering the American People. The corpwhorate owned MSM has no taste for liver with the possible exception of pate de fois gras (goose liver), so they decided to slander, trash, ignore and demean him in every way possible. It still goes on to this day to some degree.
The trashing of Al started in earnest in 1999, although I believe that the witch hunt against Clinton was in truth a back door way for them to hurt Al's chances of coming to power. The War Against Gore began in 1999 with a Wolf Blitzer interview; in it Blitzer asks Al what separates him from Bill Bradley? Blitzer asking Al of and Al is talking about his record in congress. As anyone would do in a job interview, Al speaks of his achievements, primarily in helping to bring about the creation of the internet as we know it today, which in fact is the truth; nothing is said by Blitzer at the time because he knows this is the truth.
One or two days later Dick Armey begins spouting his Republican Talking Points slamming Al for his hubris, and then the corpwhorate MSM begin goose stepping in unison and take up where Dick left off. The MSM says that "Al Gore claims to have invented the internet" which of course is a lie, and it does not end there. "Al Gore claims to have discovered Love Canal" another lie, although he held hearings on toxic waste in Toone, Tennessee which expanded to include Love Canal. The MSM said that Al Gore was wearing earth tones, so he must be a fake, besides being stiff and boring, etc. etc. Al Gore has led a remarkable life and sometimes it reads like fiction such as being an inspiration (along with Tommy Lee Jones) for the book "Love Story" but it is the truth. The corpwhorate owned MSM even did a 180 after the 2000 debates overruling their own focus groups and changing their reporting as to who won those debates overnight, someone had apparently heard him sigh (I did not). The only time terrorism was ever brought up during those debates was when Al mentioned it. With the corpwhorate MSM, the vital issue of the day (and keep in mind this was after Osama had declared war against us) was who would you rather have in your home for a beer? The nation has been drunk ever since.
The result of all this slander, demeaning and trashing of our best and brightest is the Pottersville that we are currently living in today. But think how much more difficult it would have been for us to get the truth out regarding the Iraq War, the Downing Street Memos, Gannon/Guckert, supporting Cindy Sheehan, torture, wiretapping Americans without a court order, helping the victims of Katrina, Bush's corruption and incompetence etc. without the internet. Think how much more difficult it would be for you to put your opinions out for the masses or praise your favorite leader’s virtues if we did not have the internet. Even the freepers and Bush owe Al; they are just too clueless to know it. It is for these reasons and many more that I will never abandon Al Gore for President.
P.S. For a historical refresher, click on link below and google “War against Gore” or 2000 debates.