Last Communion (of the Episcopal Church in the USA)
A couple of years hence ...
"What of the other remaining Episcopal diocese in Houston? How have they been holding out since the city cut their power?"
Savernake's usually genial face clouded briefly. "Not well, I'm afraid. Once the Attorney General ruled that the state of Texas could not, in clear Christian conscience, prosecute citizens who committed violence against—and this is his term, I'm afraid—'friends of abortionists, homosexuals and evolutionists'—the little church was eventually overrun by two full divisions from the battle-hardened Al Mohler Brigade. The last priest managed to shred the files of the remaining Episcopalians in Houston before they torched the sanctuary, thank God."
"How are you holding up, brother?"
The older man smiled bravely. "Doing God's work is its own reward, Your Grace. We still have a remarkably liberal District Attorney here in Austin who will not allow out-right murder. The police are not inclined to provide protection, but they generally don't interfere with us, either. President Frist's latest decree may change all of that, of course."
"Of course."
"Father Savernake, you've been around much longer than I have. Do you ... do you remember the days before Pope Benedict declared that anyone who didn't actively persecute those who felt ... differently ... would be excommunicated?"
"I do, my son," Savernake said. "It was a golden age. Before the Southern Baptists took control, why, people would walk boldly into the church of their choice! There were even high-def television shows where people expressed dissenting opinions!"
"My God!" Arundel gasped, then chuckled. "I wonder what Bill O'Reilly thought about that when he became head of the Federal Communications Commission!"