Her Lips to His Ear
By Sally Quinn
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 24, 2006; C01
Dear Laura,
It's time for you to act. Nancy Reagan did it. You can, too.
Things are falling apart. They always do in the second term. And when they do, there's only one person who can change things: the wife. You are the only one who can tell him the truth. You are smart, astute; you're not afraid of him and you love him.
I see you're going on Larry King tonight, and that's a good way to show your support and share your popularity. But your real work is behind the scenes.
The biggest problem your husband has now is that so many top Republicans have turned against him. Without the support of his own party, it's pretty much impossible for him to run the country. After the way they went after him over the Dubai ports deal, you can imagine what they are saying about him privately.
Incompetent, unrealistic and insincere were a few of the words circulating at a private dinner recently. Referring to the president's refusal to seek advice on anything -- the war, the economy, foreign policy -- one of the most prominent Republicans in Washington called the situation so dire that he feared "the country would fall apart with another three years of this.".....