Samarra, Tal Afar, Mosul, Fallujah, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” Afghanistan, Iraq, all success stories that turned out to be a success??? NOT SO MUCH!!!
The Taliban have been back in Afghanistan for quite awhile though the return of the Taliban has been downplayed. The morality of the area has NOT changed, and if I was Abdul Rahman, I wouldn’t poke my nose outside the door. Hundreds have protested the decision to free Rahman. “Dead man walking” is closer to the truth!“Clerics threaten to incite murder
Muslim clerics have threatened to incite Afghans to kill Rahman if he is freed, saying that he is clearly guilty of apostasy and deserves to die.
As Ayad Allawi, who lives in Iraq stated, "If this isn’t civil war than what is!” The reluctance of George, his brainwashed military, the media, and his Administration to admit the truth becomes more absurd with evidence to the contrary every day!
“Operation Swarmer” the photo op showcase for the Bush Administration has been discredited as no big deal, no resistance, and the insurgency left town. Tal Afar is a city where the people feel in jeopardy and not the “optimistic example” Bush claimed it was. In fact this morning the violence escalated in that so called peaceful area. The same happened with Samarra and Mosul!
“Mission Accomplished” was a premature quote in the alternate reality of BushWorld! Our soldiers' deaths are now 2323, with Iraqi citizens dropping like flies from violence daily.
The most flagrant deception is right here in our own country where George and the Administration write their own rules, stomp on the civil rights of American citizens, and use Pat Roberts and the Republican Guard to cover-up mistakes, block legitimate investigations, and abuse power with a one-party rule!
This is just one example from the Smirking Chimp web-site that makes our skin crawl with this corrupt Administration. lawless Republican overlords: Bush signs bill that never passed Congress
Remember all this "how a bill becomes a law" stuff you learned back in grade school? You know, that 'congress passes a bill, president signs it' stuff? Pretty basic, right?
Well, it seems the Republicans were all out sick that day:
But last month, Washington threw all that old-fashioned civics stuff into a tizzy when President Bush signed into law a bill that never passed the House. The bill -- in this case, a major budget-cutting measure that will affect millions of Americans -- became a law because it was "certified" by the leaders of the House and Senate.
Hubert H. Humphrey once told us, “We can not use a double standard for measuring our own and other people’s policies. Our demands for democratic practices in other lands will be no more effective than the guarantees of those practiced in our own country!” AMEN!