Clueless on Immigration
The Nation
Sat Mar 25, 8:19 PM ETThe largest mobilization in the history of--and in favor of--immigrants stretched for a mind-boggling twenty-six blocks through downtown Los Angeles Saturday, bringing somewhere between a half-million and a million people into the streets.
A dozen years ago, when anti-immigrant forces pushed through Prop 187 in California, it provoked a Latino backlash that has created an ongoing disaster for the state GOP.
Are we on the verge of seeing the same thing now on a national scale? While Democrats and liberals have spent oodles of time this year debating everything from Downing Street to impeachment and censure, they have been mostly AWOL on the immigration issue--one that has now brought a million people into the streets in just the last week.
Looking at the eye-popping pictures in Saturday's LA Times you have to ask yourself if either of the two parties are going to fully "get" this issue.
Here's someone who does.What I find so amazing about this is that the op-ed piece to which this story links at the end as "someone who gets it," is a piece by Tamar Jacoby, a senior analyst for the conservative Manhattan Institute. The Nation speaking up in support of a conservative analyst's views? That has to be a first. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know Tamar somewhat through work and she's actually quite a nice lady, not at all the rabid conservative one might expect, but still, seeing her getting an endorsement from The Nation just cracks me up.
I think this demonstrates what a phenomenally complex issue immigration is, fully capable of creating the strangest of bed-fellows across party lines, as well as creating schisms within both parties.