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Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire's Post-9/11 Worldview

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SeveneightyWhoa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 12:38 AM
Original message
Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire's Post-9/11 Worldview
Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire's Post-9/11 Worldview
Pink Slips Abound for Prosecutors and Therapists

March 29 2006
by Jason Miller

Karl Rove, the mastermind of Bush II’s ascension to America’s seat of power, is a man of great distinction. Despite his decidedly porcine features, Mr. Rove’s Machiavellian lust for power, narcissistic lack of empathy, sycophantic devotion to the Bush crime family, deceitful nature, and conniving mind coalesce to leave the Prince looking like a pauper.

Remember Rove’s infamous remarks concerning the 9/11 tragedy?

1. “Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers.” Referring to conservatives, he said that they “saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war.”

2. “At the core, we are dealing with two parties that have fundamentally different views on national security. Republicans have a post-9/11 worldview and many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview. That doesn’t make them unpatriotic—not at all. But it does make them wrong—deeply and profoundly and consistently wrong.”

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C_U_L8R Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 12:44 AM
Response to Original message
1. Republicans saw 9-11
Edited on Wed Mar-29-06 12:47 AM by C_U_L8R
and proceeded to stuff their pockets
with every dollar they could steal.

Yeah everything changed 9-11 alright...
but fortunately the reichwing crime spree
is coming to an abrupt end.
It's about time.
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yurbud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 06:40 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. like an ambulance driver going through an accident victims pockets
then leaving the victim lying next to the road.
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