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CBS: U.S. is decades behind Brazil on Ethanol energy

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Democrats_win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 08:50 PM
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CBS: U.S. is decades behind Brazil on Ethanol energy

Wouldn't it be nice if, one day, we didn't have to worry about the ups and downs of the gas markets?

Well in Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world, there's a plan to become free from imported oil, not in the next 30 years, not in the next 10, but by the end of this year.

That's primarily because while the rest of the world was mapping the human genome, scientists in Brazil were mapping the DNA of sugar in an effort to create a cleaner, cheaper alternative to gasoline: sugarcane ethanol.

They succeeded. Brazil's ethanol is about 30 percent less expensive than gasoline...

Basically, the people who produce oil, they don't like us … because we are getting their markets. … It's very simple."

The U.S. has made inroads on ethanol, but the focus here has been on corn-based ethanol, which is more expensive to process. By any measure, the U.S. is still probably decades behind Brazil on this alternative energy front.

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NewJeffCT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 08:53 PM
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1. This was in the Wall Street Journal a month ago
very interesting... it took them a while to do it, if I recall, through some fits & starts as well.
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Maccagirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 10:02 PM
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2. That is Ronald Reagan's true legacy
This country started it's true regression under his regime.
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