. . . the candidacy of Michael Ducacis? He too tried to run on "competency" as a way of evading the accusation of being a Massachusetts liberal. Now here we go down the same path again. The 66 (or whatever it is) percent of the American public who aren't Bushaholics-in-denial are not down on President Junior for his "incompetence," they're pissed at his mean-spirited stubborn insistence that he's right despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Unless the so-called Democratic Party Leadership starts to get that and stops being afraid to go on the attack, progressives will lose the next round and Conservative (also so-called) one-party rule will be that much closer to becoming permanently institutionalized.
Can re-education camps and death squads be far behind? How soon till the NSA's database is complete enough for the Good ol' Boy Jesus Jihadists to use it to grab up anyone who has ever had an impure online thought?
As always I hope I'm wrong, but things don't appear to me to be going all that well even though President Junior is self destructing before the country's very eyes.
http://www.commondreams.org/views06/0330-29.htm"Competence Won't Get US Out of Iraq" by Ari Berman from The Nation
"... on the issue of Iraq--the most pressing security concern for most Americans--the Democrats remained deliberately vague. Their alternative states:
Ensure 2006 is a year of significant transition to full Iraqi sovereignty, with the Iraqis assuming primary responsibility for securing and governing their country and with the responsible redeployment of U.S. forces.
What that means no one quite knows. As blogger Atrios writes, "If 2006 fails to be 'a year of significant transition' what will Democrats be saying then?"
Mostly, Democratic leaders stuck to poll-tested sound-bites. Namely, one theme: the Bush Administration's incompetence."