Accept realities of immigration
March 31, 2006
BY ANDREW GREELEY only problem is that such draconian solutions wouldn't be final at all because the immigrants would continue to cross the borders in the hope that they could evade the Border Patrol, the State Police, the United States Army, the National Guard and perhaps the Marines and CIA drones. They would continue to seek employment at the risk of their lives. The only way to stop them is to treat them like an invading army and kill them.
Moreover, if one could effectively arrest all the 11 million felons in the country, where would replacements be found to fill their jobs? The American economy would grind to a halt. The illegals are, in a nice irony, essential to American prosperity.
It is an iron law of economics that where there is a labor supply on one side of a border and a labor demand on the other side of a border, there will be immigration across the border. One can pass laws to make it illegal, as the United States has done, and penalties to make it dangerous, even life-threatening, but the immigrants will continue to come. One could even make hiring of illegals a capital offense. Life in prison for businessmen -- a new idea in our country -- wouldn't work either. Build higher walls, triple the Border Patrol, stage massive rallies, demand strict enforcement, that won't end immigration. All the threats and the ranting of Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) will not stop them. Nothing will.
This is a reality which most Americans cannot accept and hence most politicians cannot speak. The secondary labor market in this country, with all its injustice and cruelty, seduces men and women to cross the border at the risk of their lives. They will continue to swarm into our country, despite all the legislation, all the punishments, all the racist hatred.