Your Huddled Masses are now my Wretched Refuse:
Locking the Golden Door
BY JASON MILLER -- World News Trust
If she drew breath, the Statue of Liberty would drop her torch in disgust and hang her head in shame.
Inculcated with the belief that they are morally superior and endowed with an inalienable right to world domination, the members of America’s ruling White Patriarchy and their ardent supporters have an immigration problem. Too many “little Brown people” are streaming across their southern border. As America’s de facto ruling class wrangles with numerous potential solutions, they are overlooking the obvious: ask the Native Americans what to do. After all, those who forged the American Empire nearly drove the indigenous people of North America to extinction. At the very least, the relatively few survivors of the Native American genocide could help their White “superiors” put their comparatively minute problem into perspective by reminding them that things could be much worse.
While the Western European invaders simply murdered and displaced hundreds of thousands of Native Americans, the “marauders” from Mexico (and the rest of Latin America) are committing such heinous acts as working hard, exercising a devotion to family, and living decent, honest lives. Wearing their psychological chains with pride, those who truly believe in the myth of the superiority of the White-dominated American Empire provide unflinching support for a government of criminals, murderers, and state terrorists as they seek to rid themselves of the “dirty, lazy” Latinos. While some are not even conscious of their racism or allegiance to evil, they are just as culpable as those who are.
Driven by unbridled consumerism, “patriotic” support of a militaristic regime (which is drenched in the blood of millions of murdered civilians), narcissism, self-absorption, xenophobia, racism, and an insatiable demand for the exploitation of the rest of the planet to keep them comfortable, the American Empire’s loyalists are demanding an end to the “Southern Invasion.” Sadly, hubris, insularity, bigotry, the endorsement of murder and torture, and unsurpassed greed are the hallmarks of a nation which purports to be a bastion of freedom, justice, human rights, and equality. Trudging through a blinding blizzard of facts which expose the United States as a ruthless empire, the purveyors of the American Myth doggedly indoctrinate their minions with a relentless argumentum ad nauseam, convincing many that the United States is a benevolent beacon of hope for humanity.
Pigs will be pigs
Just as the implementation of the utopian ideas of Communism resulted in human suffering and totalitarianism, American Capitalism is an abject failure for humanity, registering quite high on the misery index. Few would argue that the United States affords a robust standard of living to many of its citizens, but how much of humanity really benefits? The 295 million people of the United States account for a mere 5% of the world’s population. A tiny fraction (about 2,950,000 individuals) of that meager sliver of humanity feasts on a herd of fatted calves. Meanwhile, 3 billion human beings are left to gnaw on the leftover bones, clinging to survival on an income of less than $2 per day.