An Interview with William Blum
Osama's Favorite Writer?
WILLIAM BLUM left the State Department in 1967 because of his opposition to what the United States was doing in Vietnam. He has been a freelance journalist in the United States, Europe and South America, and has been a recipient of a Project Censored award for "exemplary journalism." His books include, ROGUE STATE (recommended by Osama bin Laden in his January, 06 audiotape); KILLING HOPE; FREEING THE WORLD TO DEATH; and, WEST-BLOC DISSIDENT.
Q. In his January 19, '06 audio tape message to the world, Osama bin Laden stated: "If Bush carries on with his lies and oppression, it would be useful for you to read the book, ROGUE STATE." Then, he quoted the line in which you write that you would end US interference in the nations of the world as soon as you become president Now, I've read ROGUE STATE, and I know that your projected first 4-days in office would actually be even more interesting than that. How do you conceive the first 4 days of a Blum Administration?
A. The first day, I'll apologize-publicly and sincerely-to all the widows and orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, to all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would announce to the world that America's global military interventions have come to an end The second day, I would tell Israel that it is no longer the 51st state, but, oddly enough, a foreign country ... On the third day I would reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many American bombings, invasions and sanctions. There would be more than enough money. One year's US military budget is equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every hour since Jesus was born. On the fourth day, I'b be assassinated."
Q. Soon after bin Laden's endorsement, ROGUE STATE leapt from below 200,000 on Amazon's book list of sales, to number 21. Some media people asked if you had any regrets about OBL's recommendation-if you wanted to renounce it--and you stated that you did not. You've called the public attention your fifteen minutes of fame. It's now 10 weeks since the bin Laden tape. How are things going? Are you still enjoying your 15 minutes?
A. It probably lasted about a month, a month and a half It was very nice while it lasted. When I think about it, the fact that I had the ear and the eyes of tens of millions of Americans who normally would never hear anything from me, or about me, and I could say things they normally are never exposed to at all by the mass media. So it really was marvelous. On a personal level it was very time-consuming; I had to put aside all kinds of things. But on a political level, it was excellent.
<snip> Brief History of United States Interventions, 1945 to the Present By William Blum: