That a container with 22 people hiding inside could arrive undetected at the Port of Seattle's Terminal 18 should be a blaring wake-up call on this nation's long-neglected marine port security.
Nearly five years after the horrors of 9/11, have we learned nothing? By all indications, these stowaways sought to do no more than start a new life in the United States. But what if their motives had been darkly different? Suppose they had intended to plant and detonate explosive devices, chemical or biological weapons or a "dirty" bomb to spread killer radiation in the heart of a major urban population, with a hoped-for -- and likely -- death toll in the tens of thousands?
In an ill-begotten war on Iraq, the nation has squandered years and literally billions of dollars that could have been devoted to making Americans truly safer from terrorist attack.
Washington Sen. Patty Murray has been at the forefront of efforts to persuade a recalcitrant Bush administration to make the investments and undertake the diplomatic efforts necessary to upgrade and integrate security systems for marine cargo.