Saddam Hussein, the devil in the docket in Baghdad, is laughing all the way to the gallows. Saddam will meet his just reward when the Iraqi court renders its final verdict and sentences him to death, but it is Bush who is the long term loser in their confrontation.
Saddam in his wildest dreams could never have imagined the damage the U.S. invasion of his country would inflict on the invader. It cannot but delight Saddam to see the United States listed in most surveys of world opinion as the most despised country on the face of the planet. As the Pew Center for the People & the Press wrote last year: “anti-Americanism is deeper and broader now than at any time in modern history.” Saddam wonders how he could have achieved such a “victory” when he was never a threat to the United States in the first place. A joyful laugh emanates from Saddam’s cell.
Hey, I've been saying this for a long while. Saddam has done something no other nation or national figure has been able to do to us: bring us down to his level, complete with torture and atrocities.