(I don't know much about this writer except for what is written at the bottom of this article, but He sure nailed it with this one!)
Country should unite in pro-America impeachment ralliesGeov Parrish
Man, did I hit a nerve.
E-mail is still pouring in from
my column Monday in which I observed that the legal argument being employed by the Bush White House -- for, among other things, the NSA spying scandal, the torture and Patriot Act reauthorization signing statements, and now LeakGate -- is that George Bush is above the law. And that that is a legal argument for a dictatorship. And that if Bush is not held accountable for this direct challenge to the Constitution of the United States of America, even if he doesn't decide to use those dictatorial powers himself, he's still established them as a precedent, and some future American leader will use them instead.
Well, I heard from a couple of cranky conservatives, but so far the e-mail is about 50-to-1 in favor. By far the most common comment (beyond people venting about George Bush) is along the lines of: "If the illegal immigrants can flood the streets, why can't we?"
It's very simple. Many of those immigrants (legal or not) feel they're marching for their lives. Bush critics don't have that sense of urgency. Most of us read about the latest abuses and depredations of the Bush cabal and then swear or sigh and go on about our lives. That's the difference. Sad, but true. Beyond that, remarkably enough, critics of Bush, even though we are now a majority of the country, do not have the media infrastructure that immigrants have. The driving force behind the turnout for many of these rallies has been promotion by Spanish language radio. L.A. has at least a dozen such stations, and almost all of them banded together to help turn out up to a million people. Same thing happened in Chicago, in Phoenix, in Miami, in Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, New York, D.C., and on across the country. The liberal blogosphere or Air America can't do that....
...That -- not the constant foreign policy criticisms that are the hallmark of antiwar marches -- needs to be the primary focus of any anti-Bush mobilization, too. That is what will resonate. It needs to be positive, hopeful, insistent.
We're seeing our country being stolen from us. We want it back. We demand it back. We love our country, and we're not about to stand by and watch while a bunch of Machiavellian failed oilpatch executives take it from us and wreck it. We believe in the promise of America, even as it is in danger of being destroyed. That's the message....(more at link below)
Geov Parrish is a Seattle-based columnist and reporter for Seattle Weekly, In These Times and Eat the State! He writes the daily Straight Shot for WorkingForChange. He can be reached by email at geovlp@earthlink.net -- please indicate whether your comments may be used on WorkingForChange in an upcoming "letters" column.