..will get Democrats elected.
Others agree. The following is slighted
dated, but applies.
Please go here and click on the 1st link:
http://www.democracycorps.com/reports/index.htmlJune 2005
The Democrats' Moment to Engage
Click on the "Analysis" link. It will be in Adobe format which is why I can't
Copy & Paste here: Please note that this analysis was co-authored by James Carville, a
Conservative Democrat and Campaign strategist for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996. Many in the Clinton administration give Mr. Carville much of the credit for the Clinton successes. He is generally considered a brilliant campaign manager and and unrivaled expert.
Here are some excerpts:
"Over 3 surveys in three months, Democracy Corps national survey show (that)...By a 20 point margin (56 to 36 percent), voters think the country is seriously off on the wrong track.
But for all that, Democrats are at risk of making only modest gains in 2006. The Democrats gains in in the congressional battle have come more from Republican slippage than Democratic gains and, alarmingly,
the president's deep troubles have produced no rise in positive sentiments about the Democrats.<snip>
The Democrats can achieve major gains, however,
if the party moves
decisively to a new stage of engagement. They must poise sharp choices- ones that define the Democrats, not just the Republicans and ones that, in every battle, make the the instrument for reforming and changing Washington"
The Democrats' Moment to Engage
Analysis (link here)
"We're just like Republicans only nicer" campaigns of the
Centrists Democrats have proved to be a disaster. Whether you agree or not, the average citizen sees the Democratic Party as an
imitation Republican Party.This is the result of two disastrous campaigns where the Democratic Party ignored traditional issues , and
chased after mushy republican voters with campaigns of "Centrism". These polls shout that voters want a
sharp distinction, NOT Republican lite.
If the Democrats want to turn the bush*/Republican drop in popularity into positive gains for Democrats, the Democrats must offer choices on issues that are
"sharply different" from the Republicans.The Democrats MUST offer clear alternatives on issues:
*Instead of Free Trade and Outsourcing, the Democrats MUST offer Fair Trade and (at least some) protections for American Jobs (not corpoWelfare tax credits, LEGAL protections)
*Instead of
Staying the Course, the Democrats must offer options for withdrawal
*Instead of Big Business, the Democrats must offer REAL protection and support for the Working Class and Poor
*Instead of Patriot Acts, the Democrats MUST offer protections for Individual Rights and Freedom from Big Brother and BIG intrusive Government.
*Instead of Fighting Terrorism by expanding the Military Wars overseas, the Democrats MUST offer improved security
within our borders, and International Cooperation of Intelligence Agencies to track and capture International Criminals
*Universal Healthcare...the Americans WANT it. The Democrats MUST offer it. (To hell with contributions from Big Medicine and Big Pharmaceuticals)
*Instead of a
Bigger is Better Corporate Policy, the Democrats MUST offer restraints, consumer protections, and Fair Competition legislation that makes it possible for Mom&Pop Businesses and Family Farms to compete with Wal-Marts and Corporate Factory Farms.
"Let's start with economic policy. The DLC and the press claim Democrats who attack President Bush and the Republicans for siding with the superwealthy are waging "class warfare," which they claim will hurt Democrats at the ballot box. Yet
almost every major poll shows Americans already essentially believe Republicans are waging a class war on behalf of the rich. They are simply waiting for a national party to give voice to the issue. In March 2004, for example, a Washington Post poll found a whopping 67 percent of Americans believe the Bush Administration favors large corporations over the middle class.
The "centrists" tell Democrats not to hammer corporations for their misbehavior and not to push for a serious crackdown on corporate excess, for fear the party will be hurt by an "anti-business" image. Yet such a posture, pioneered by New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, is mainstream: A 2002 Washington Post poll taken during the height of the corporate accounting scandals found that 88 percent of Americans distrust corporate executives, 90 percent want new corporate regulations/tougher enforcement of existing laws and more than half think the Bush Administration is "not tough enough" in fighting corporate crime.
On energy policy, those who want government to mandate
higher fuel efficiency in cars are labeled "lefties," even though a 2004 Consumers Union poll found that 81 percent of Americans support the policy. Corporate apologists claim this "extremist" policy would hurt Democrats in places like Michigan, where the automobile manufacturers employ thousands. But the Sierra Club's 2004 polling finds more than three-quarters of Michigan voters support it including 84 percent of the state's autoworkers.
Even in the face of massive job loss and outsourcing, the media are still labeling corporate Democrats' support for free trade as "centrist." And the DLC, which led the fight for NAFTA and the China trade deal, attacks those who want to renegotiate those pacts as just a marginal group of "protectionists." Yet
a January 2004 PIPA/University of Maryland poll found that "a majority is critical of US government trade policy." A 1999 poll done on the five-year anniversary of the North American trade deal was even more telling: Only 24 percent of Americans said they wanted to "continue the NAFTA agreement." The public outrage at trade deals has been so severe, pollster Steve Kull noted, that support dropped even among upper-income Americans "who've most avidly supported trade and globalization who've taken the lead in pushing the free-trade agenda forward."
You REALLY MUSTread the rest of this!
http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/20774 summary:
The Republican Party is seen by most Americans as the Big Business Party. Polling data analysis combined with performance in 2000, 2002, and 2004 clearly indicate that if the Democratic Party is to be able to capitalize on the low ratings of bush*Republicans,
the Party MUST clearly and publicly show itself to be the Party of the Working American.A
UNIFIED PRO WORKER/PRO-LABOR Platform similar to Gingrich's Contract with America MUST be produced and SUPPORTED by the Democrats