Reform – Republicans Show Their Mastery of Disinformation and Lying
They want to keep Latino Immigrants Out but still want to Court the Latino Vote
by Steven Leser Steven Leser
Let’s cut through the mountain of disinformation being put out by the Republicans. Democrats want to provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are working in this country and want to become good citizens. As clearly proven by the harsh bills and amendments put out by Republicans like Frist, Sensenbrenner and others, Republicans want to make undocumented immigrants, mostly Latinos, into Felons and send them back where they came from. These are the indisputable facts.
How is this being portrayed? Republicans are spending millions of dollars on Spanish Language advertisements in places like Arizona, New Mexico and Texas among other places telling Latinos lies and disinformation that Democrats in the House and Senate are blocking progress on immigration reform. Sure, Democratic Senators and congress people like Reid are trying to stop amendments and bills that make undocumented Latinos felons and criminals. Sure, Democratic Senators and congress people like Reid are trying to stop amendments and bills from passing that would likely lead to mass deportation of undocumented Latinos. Republicans are lying because if the true facts were out there unchallenged, Latinos would go to the polls in November in droves and vote the GOP out on their ears.
The one good thing this has lead to is the mass organization of Latinos to fight these measures. This reporter, for one, has finally got off my butt, joined National Council of La Raza, and started getting involved with these issues. I encourage all Latinos and those concerned with Latino and immigration rights to join at , support La Raza, and support the Democratic Party in fighting for the best and most compassionate legislation for undocumented immigrants.
Living in New York City as I do and constantly coming into contact with Latino immigrants of all types, citizens, documented and in the process of becoming a citizen AND undocumented, who work unbelievably hard and want nothing more than to be law abiding citizens, I am tired of the way the Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths and trying to deny these people at chance at the American dream. People should not be fooled by Republican disinformation on immigration reform. Republicans are trying their hardest to make undocumented immigrants, mostly Latinos, into felons and to deport them. Compassionate Americans of all races in all states need to organize and prevent this from happening.
Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
Support Immigration Reform that allows Undocumented Immigrants a path to Citizenship
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Steven Leser is a freelance journalist specializing in Politics, Science & Health, and Entertainment topics. He has held positions within the Democratic Party including District Chair and Public Relations Chair within county organizations. His coverage of the Ohio Presidential Recount in 2004 was distinguished by actual interviews with Carlo Loparo, spokesperson for the Ohio Secretary of State, along with Supervisors of Elections of several Ohio counties. Similar efforts on other topics to get first hand information from sources separate Mr. Leser from many of his contemporaries.
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