By B.W. Bryce
Online Journal Contributing Writer<snip>
The neocons went into Iraq to enhance their political capital in the approaching election, to prop up the dollar (Saddam was selling oil for euros), to gain control of Iraq's resources and frustrate China and Russia in their efforts to meet their own energy needs. Russia and China had billions of dollars in oil contracts with Iraq that were nullified when Iraq was attacked. Because of the economic situation, they swallowed those losses and made new multibillion-dollar agreements with Iran. They will not do this a second time.
The American public must understand, the rest of the world will defend itself from neocon aggression. No one can challenge the neocons militarily and no one wants to be the next Iraq, therefore, because there is no other option, other countries will defend themselves by crushing our economy to eliminate funding for neocon war-making. Other countries realize the worldwide devastation this will cause and they have been profoundly reluctant to do it; but their patience is wearing thin and their options are very limited.
If Iran is attacked the repercussions will be catastrophic militarily, politically, economically and environmentally. One economic result is China, Russia, North Korea and about a dozen other countries are going to start dumping billions of American dollars. The neocons are perfectly aware this will occur and they will initially be able to cover up this disaster by taking us into higher inflation, which will almost inevitably lead to hyper-inflation and the destruction of our currency.
The neocons thrive on chaos and fear. They know frightened people are easier to manipulate. Make no mistake, chaos and fear will absolutely follow an attack upon Iran or any other country.