<<Yes, the reality-based community of journalists should stay out of fantasyland, which is already overcrowded with hallucinatory Bushies.
W. defended his authorization of a leak to rebut Joseph Wilson’s contention that the administration had hyped up a story about Niger selling uranium to Hussein.
“I wanted people to see the truth,” the president said.
Of course, sometimes in order to help people see the truth, you’ve got to tell them a big fat lie.
As David Sanger and David Barstow wrote in The New York Time s, Scooter’s leak about Hussein’s efforts to obtain uranium had already been debunked by the time he leaked it. Colin Powell had told The Times that intelligence agencies were “no longer carrying it as a credible item” by early 2003, when the secretary of state was preparing to make the case against Iraq at the United Nations. Only Scooter and Dick Cheney were willing to use a faulty bit of intelligence to defend their war scam.