The Bush administration wants to criminalize Washington's daily trade in secret information.
Thursday, April 20, 2006; Page A24
WHILE NO ONE is paying much attention, the Bush administration is promoting a reading of an old and largely moribund law that could radically diminish the openness of U.S. government while criminalizing huge swaths of academic debate and journalism. No one has announced it in so many words, but if the government succeeds, for the first time non-officials -- activists, congressional staffers, journalists -- would be deemed criminal for transmitting secret information or even for just receiving it ...
.. The government did not charge them under a normal spying law. Instead, it invoked a World War I-era statute that prohibits people who receive secret information from disclosing it further.
If that sounds scary, the government arguments in its favor are even scarier. For one thing, prosecutors assert in a recent brief that "there is simply no First Amendment right to disclose national defense information." Does this mean academics have no right to debate the legality of the wiretapping program of the National Security Agency, the facts of which have mostly been revealed in leaks? Does it mean that an activist who gets information from a whistle-blower has no right to disclose it to a member of Congress? According to the government, it does ...
Until now, two things have prevented this law from morphing into an American version of Britain's Official Secrets Act: discretion on the part of prosecutors and the belief that the courts would not tolerate a reading of it that ran smack into the First Amendment. Prosecutors have thrown discretion to the wind; now it's up to the courts.