A blog recently noted that the United Arab Emirates, who Bush gave a six billion dollar "port security" contract to (and then pulled back on, for the moment) is very cozy with Iran. In fact, they are the best of friends and swear mutual allegiance and support, as well as ongoing commerce and trade. Okay, so that means Bush was going to give a contract to protect Americans to a country that is best buddies with the country Bush wants to nuke. Doesn't that strike even some Republicans as odd?
The reality is that the Bush Administration has long been playing a double game with the American people, as if they had two different sets of playing cards. For domestic consumption, Bush has trumpeted (as scripted by Rove) a fierce nationalism and sense of nationalist fear. He has played the "patriot" card to the hilt. But on foreign policy, what is most important to the Bush Administration is not what is in the best interests of the United States; it is what is in the best interests of large multi-national businesses, which is to say Republican contributors.
In short, we have entered an age when multi-national corporate financial interests supersede our national interest. This is something the Busheviks won't tell the American people, and it is why the negotiations and details of the United Arab Emirates/Dubai deal are still being kept secret. Bush goes to war to allegedly protect us (while enriching the defense industry who are Republican campaign contributors) -- and then cuts financial deals that undercut our security and sovereignty.
He's doing the same thing with China right now. Besides which, we, as a nation, are in hock to so many countries that Bush has to cede sovereign interests at times, because otherwise these countries can request the payment of their loans and the U.S. would go bankrupt. Funny that we don't read about such things in the daily papers or see them on television news.
Wonder why?