;_ylt=An5Vs86oXtwH1EnW_mVbCVys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY-Why a strong economy is no GOP asset
By Linda Feldmann, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor Fri Apr 21, 4:00 AM ET
WASHINGTON - Of all the problems Republicans face heading into the fall political season, one of the most exasperating is the economy.
In many ways, they say, these are the best of times: Unemployment is at 4.7 percent, lower than the averages of the 1970s, '80s, and '90s. The economy is showing strong, consistent growth, without significant inflation. And the stock market is roaring along.
Yet many Americans just aren't impressed. A majority tell pollsters they trust the Demo- crats more than the GOP to handle the economy. When asked in an open-ended question which is the most important problem facing the country today, respondents to a recent CBS News poll named "economy/jobs" second after the
Iraq war - and ahead of immigration, terrorism, and healthcare.
"First, there's general concern about globalization and its effect on American manufacturing jobs," says GOP pollster Whit Ayres. "We see low unemployment, but the headlines are dominated by the thousands being laid off by General Motors and Ford."