to a human rights group quoted below, yahoo has helped China imprison a third Chinese dissident.
Excerpts from the above article:
April 20, 2006 -- Yahoo! ratted out a Chinese cyberdissident by verifying he was the author of a pro-democracy e-mail - the third time the California Internet giant has been blamed for helping authorities in China put a rebellious citizen away. The police used the information from Yahoo! to jail Jiang Lijun for four years on charges of subversion, according to a translation of the verdict from his 2003 trial, made available yesterday by a human-rights group.
Yahoo! also has been accused of helping lock up Li Zhi, who is serving an eight-year sentence for posting comments on the Internet protesting official corruption, and Shi Tao, a journalist who got 10 years for sending an e-mail abroad about a government crackdown on the media. "Little by little we are piecing together the evidence for what we have long suspected - that Yahoo! is implicated in the arrest of most of the people that we have been defending," said Paris-based advocacy group Reporters Without Borders, which yesterday released the trial transcript.
...Google has been criticized for censoring politically sensitive terms on its new China site. A search of "Tiananmen Square," for example, turns up pictures of happy tourists and children releasing balloons, with no links to the iconic images like the lone protester before a phalanx of tank. But Google isn't running into the same problem as Yahoo! over turning over information. That's because the company, unlike Yahoo!, doesn't store information that Chinese authorities can demand."
(By the way, did you catch President Hu responding to a question by saying something to the effect "Democracy? What do you mean by democracy?" Shut that protester up so we can get China to buy some more Boeings.)