http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/bal-ed.rummy21apr21,0,4240395.story?coll=bal-opinion-headlinesThe reaction to the so-called generals' revolt is getting ridiculous. President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Mr. Rumsfeld's loyal cadre of top officers have gone to such lengths to defend the Pentagon chief from attacks by a handful of retired generals that you can't help but wonder whether the home-grown insurgents haven't hit a nerve. He's starting to look like the secretary of defensiveness.(snip) The president says there's only one solution to Iraq, and that's victory, and only one man who can bring it about - the man who has botched it all so badly thus far. Victory over whom, by the way? Terrorists, Sunni Arab insurgents, Shiite death squads, corrupt politicians? Mr. Rumsfeld should spend less time finding ways to defend himself and more thinking about what is best for America.:thumbsup: