"A country that cannot control its borders is failing at one of its fundamental obligations," she said of America's "broken system." She also said that "we do need an earned path to citizenship" for illegal immigrants here.
"I would not support it if the legislation was just for border security and we had to come back to Congress for everything else," she said. "We need to structure it as one piece of comprehensive legislation, with a staged implementation." For example, she said, the legalization process could begin "12 to 24 months" after border control measures take effect.
As for how to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, "A physical structure is obviously important," she said. "A wall in certain areas would be appropriate," as long as it was not a "dumb wall" that could be scaled or tunneled. Advocating "smart fencing," she added, "There is technology that would be in the fence that could spot people coming from 250 or 300 yards away and signal patrol agents who could respond."
"It's obviously a political decision, but I welcome it," Clinton said. "We need to send a clear message to employers and anyone else who would exploit immigrants, including smugglers." Lest anyone think she's soft on President Bush, she faulted his administration for being "incompetent and all over the place" on enforcement.
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opinions/story/411104p-347791c.html@@@ sorry about the choppy nature of the post, I usually do not post editorials. I am more interested in the actual statements from an individual, not the resonations of others.@@@@@@