....regarding police tyrany...
Law Enforcement or Tyrannical Enforcement with a Badge?
Police Officers are referred to today as "Law Enforcement Officers," which is a very dangerous New World Order globalist term. Most officers proudly puff out their chests as they gladly accept this new and supposed honorable title without a clue as to what is behind this description. Those bloody tyrants of the 20th century could not have succeeded without the aid of "Law Enforcement," people doing their job without questioning their orders.
"My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge." (Source: Hos. 4:6 (King James).)
It is proven history that governments kill far more people than criminals do! All one has to do is look back at the recent history of the 20th century. The bloody regimes of various communist countries worldwide account for one hundred million deaths in "conservative estimates." U.S.S.R: 20 million deaths, China: 65 million deaths, Vietnam: 1 million deaths, North Korea: 2 million deaths, Cambodia: 2 million deaths, Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths, Latin America: 150,000 deaths, Africa: 1.7 million deaths, Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths, the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000 deaths." (Source: Stephane Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism, trans. Jonathan Murphy & Mark Kramer (Cambridge, Havard University Press, 1999), 4-5.)
What would Adolf Hitler have done without "his law enforcement"? What would Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Ze-dong, Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro -- just what would these Communists do without their "law enforcement agencies"?! You must remember all the above leaders functioned within the boundaries of their own perverted system of law with their law enforcement, enforcing illegitimate laws, without regard for right or wrong.
By Bernadine Smith
May 9, 2005
Under the illusion of a program to curb crime, it appears that a new system to control the people is being saddled upon the people with neighbors reporting on neighbors, and close surveillance by government of the people in their homes as to their habits and thinking.
In a recent California newspaper article it was reported that sheriff’s deputies are canvassing county areas. The initial purpose is to conduct a survey, to find out "what the concerns and needs of the people in the community are", but they do not want the citizens to feel alarmed if a deputy suddenly shows up at their front door asking questions. Residents are told that they are being offered “a chance to give feedback to the sheriff’s department" and to participate in a survey to find out what the community’s needs are. The sheriff’s department wants to learn about “problems in their community that involve crime, or things that the neighbors feel need investigation”. The deputies in uniform will knock on doors and ask questions of those adults who wish to participate. They are also being asked if they wish “to participate in the 'Citizens on Patrol' program where they will work with law enforcement to help protect their communities”. They are also being asked to rate the service of the sheriff’s department: “Do you feel your neighborhood is safe?” Cmdr. Don Deeds’ makes this comment: “It helps us reach that level of service they’re wanting”.
Hitler set up a system by which he could manage every household. The neighborhood (which was called by the German word "gau") had an appointed informant in each. The person in charge of the neighborhood ("gau") was also an informant to Hitler’s dictatorial regime. He was called the "gauleiter". Information on the people within those neighborhoods was fed upward by means of the "gauleiter" for use of that totalitarian administration. In turn, instruction was relayed downward through this same conduit as the "gauleiter" received instruction as to what thought and behavior would be tolerated by the administration.
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Carabinieri's Coat of armsThe Carabinieri is the shortened (and common) name for the Arma dei Carabinieri, an Italian military corps of the gendarmerie type with police functions, which also serves as the Italian military police.
"Carabinieri" are not only military police. Historically, a Carabiniere was a cavalry or soldier armed with a carbine. Their motto is Nei Secoli Fedele (Faithful for the Centuries). Their mission was to control the crime and to serve the community through respect for the Law. <more>