This is posted only to show how far Mark Steyn has crossed over to the Dark Side. He actually argues that the 2 Faux journalists freed by Hamas in Gaza after "converting" to Islam dealt a major setback to the war against "Islamofascism" when they chose "conversion" instead of death.
If you don't feel like reading the whole rant, here's a few money quotes:
One hundred ten years later, for the Fox journalists and the Western media who reported their release, what's the big deal? Wear robes, change your name to Khaled, go on camera and drop Allah's name hither and yon: If that's your ticket out, seize it. Everyone'll know it's just a sham.
But that's not how the al-Jazeera audience sees it. If you're a Muslim, the video is anything but meaningless. Not even the dumbest jihadist believes these infidels are suddenly true believers. Rather, it confirms the central truth Osama and the mullahs have been peddling -- that the West is weak, that there's nothing -- no core, no bedrock -- nothing it's not willing to trade.
It doesn't matter how "understandable" Centanni and Wiig's actions are to us, what the target audience understands is quite different: that there is nothing we're willing to die for. And, to the Islamist mind, a society with nothing to die for is already dead.'m personally in favor of buying Steyn a one way ticket to Gaza where he can pretend to be a real reporter and get himself kidnapped. My hope is that he practices what he preaches.