Ted Rall speaks a hard truth here, one that goes unspoken across the political spectrum, including among innumerable anti-war dissidents:
"The war against Afghanistan is no different, no more justifiable, and no more winnable than the war against Iraq. Both were underfunded, poorly planned and based on lies. Neither had anything to do with 9/11."
The absence of this truth from the national discourse guarantees that the country will continue to barrel down the dangerous, self-defeating road of misguided militarism. You should read the whole thing, but here are some excerpts:
Taking Our Brain Off the Ball (via The Smirking Chimp)
…. George W. Bush's war against Iraq, most Americans believe, was a distraction from the war on terrorism. But so was Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden has been in Pakistan since before 9/11. Bush knew that. Nevertheless, he bombarded the military dictator of Pakistan, who financed the Taliban and Al Qaeda's training camps and hosted bin Laden, not with cluster bombs but with millions of our taxdollars. He never tried to catch Osama.
Empire Burlesque