but I don'y buy this story starting with the European UN troops "working for the US and Israel". You can find exactly the same kind of BS in the Israeli Debka file (a Mossad disinformation site).
France that was (is) the leading force in the stopping of the Lebanon war, did it to stop Israeli plans to go further. If the Europeans have twisted Annan's arm to obtain the possibility of heavy weaponry in the area (Annan required today a naval backup from France, I bet the French carrier will soon show up) it's because they want to calm down the area and not to inflame it. Among the French equipment sent are modern tanks, anti missile radars, anti aircraft artillery (missiles) and heavy artillery. If you add the fire power of the Aster missiles and the SCALP cruise missiles on the two French frigates, the conclusion is that all that neat weaponry is not aimed at the Hezbollah. It's more a deterrent to Israel. Besides Europe is stopping the transport of modern weaponry to Israel right now by refusing to refuel El Al planes. It includes even the UK.
Prodi and Zapatero are not working for Bush, neither is Chirac. I think they try to counter, what they can counter.
I don't deny that Israel/US are probably planning a strike at Syria/Iran, but the author should'nt fall in the common trotskyite rethoric "all capitalists are bad". This is not science and analysis, it's rethorics fitting the rest of the article.
So it makes it more difficult for me to take the whole article as a correct description of evolving events.
And you don't have to put the anti-war movement in the US in camps through martial law, because this movement doesn't exist. Cm'on if the anti-war movement could gather the same amount (in percent) of people than a pissed off French union for a pure unionist matter, you'd had about 5 millions Americans in front of the Capitol 4 weeks in a row, every Sunday.