wish I had a nickel for every time I have heard people like me (i.e., supposedly unpatriotic ingrates) reminded that "we are at war." I would buy my critics a set of medals from the wars they never went to or a set of history books about wars they don't remember.
What do these guys mean when they say "we are at war"? What they really mean is that they want anyone who expresses doubt about the war in Iraq, in particular, to shut up.
"We are at war" translates into "you can't argue with the commander in chief when we are at war," which, conveniently for him, won't ever end.
And how come no draft? The draft was used in both World War I and World War II, but somehow it's not needed in World War III, because out troops signed up, so it is morally right that they be send back time after time no matter at what terrible personal cost because we support the troops and -- did we mention? -- they signed up for it. This is the cowards' rationale for sending heroes to their fate.
When did the terrorists become Islamofascists anyway? Islamo they may be, evil, bizarro and nutto they are, but fascism is a philosophy from a distinct time and place, and besides the Islamofascists don't have well-tailored uniforms.
The answer to these questions ought to be obvious to the smallest readers of "My Pet Goat." Fear is easier to sell to voters than sacrifice, especially when most of what you have done has proved incompetent. The spin is the thing, not the reality.