with all the flurry of propaganda and psychological operations in the past few weeks this was overlooked. The functions of that Office (like those of the Office of Strategic Influence, Office of Special Plans and other neo-conservative dominated structures and progams) will continue.
Here's a link announcing the "closure"
http://www.fcw.com/article95834-08-29-06-WebThere have been a lot of recent changes in the Rumsfeld DoD. Cheney's former national security advisor Eric S. Edelman is going to be taking on a lot of the policy functions that Douglas Feith used to do. This Office of Force Transformation closure is part of what Edelman is doing.
Edelman recently was the BFEE's Ambassador to Turkey-which was a total fiasco.
http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1143One thing remains the same-the needs and concerns of our military and their families have been criminally misused, abused and neglected by the war criminals and profiteers in the Rumsfeld DoD which was more focused on the insane sounding universal fascist visions of neo-con zealots rather than preserving protecting and defending our Constitution and Bill of Rights.