tomatoes? Does he mean totalitarians?
Bush's War On History
by Ted Rall | Sep 6 2006 - 10:08pm | permalink
Poor Bush. You know the economy is lousy when Karl Rove orders him to talk up Iraq. Iraq--car bomb/civil war/assassination/roadside bomb/more dead Marines/mosque explosion Iraq--is his good news. Then, when he goes to unveil his newest talking point in the war of words to distract us from our Great Disappearing Paychecks, he mucks up the sound byte.
"As veterans," he warned the American Legion on August 31, "you have seen this kind of enemy before. They're successors to fascists, to Nazis, to communists and other totalitarians of the 20th century, and history shows what the outcome will be. This war will be difficult, this war will be long, and this war will end in the defeat of the"
Again, louder: Poor Bush! Five years of regurgitating five-cent words like "cave" and "evil" left him unprepared for the challenge of multi-syllabic ninth-grade obscurities, much less the "isms." When the 60-year-old mental virgin's handlers decided he should do a re-hash of Chris Hitchens' "clash of ideologies" shtick, they did everything they could to make things easy for him. Ex-thinker Hitchens' neo-con buzzword "Islamofascism" (six syllables) got chopped down to "Islamic fascism" (three plus three). Then Bush flew too close to the sun. Anyway you cut it, tomatotarianism is one danged long word.
Chris Mooney's book "The Republican War on Science" details Bush's jihad against rationality. Censoring the findings of its own EPA and denying the consensus of the world's scientists, the Bush Administration continues to deny global warming. They made the FDA say that mercury may not be poisonous. They even forced the National Cancer Institute to claim that abortion causes breast cancer. Do they believe this nonsense or is this razzledazzle BS merely cover to protect the GOP's corporate sponsors? No one knows.