Enter Mahmud al-HasaniThe golden days of Muqtada, however, might be numbered: a new cleric by the name of Mahmud al-Hasani is challenging him in Shi'ite politics.
Born in 1960, Hasani is a relative newcomer to the world of Shi'ite politics in Iraq. He studied under Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr, the father of Muqtada, before the latter was killed by Saddam in 1999. He also studied civil engineering at Baghdad University and graduated in 1987.
Under Saddam, he hailed the elder Sadr at a Friday prayer meeting and was arrested and sentenced to death. The sentence was never carried out and he remained in Saddam's jails until April 2003.
Based in Karbala since then, he made something of a name for himself after the US invasion as one of the loudest anti-American Shi'ites. However, when US-Shi'ite relations were at their peak, during the early days of the post-Saddam order, Hasani was neither dangerous nor particularly significant, especially when compared with Muqtada or Sistani.
Asia Times